
Family Building with Embryo Banking

2022-01-27T11:53:19-07:00August 17th, 2017|

For some couples, building a family is not an easy process. Men and women alike can experience fertility complications that make having a child difficult. Fortunately, modern scientists and researchers have pioneered technologies and treatments that help couples have the family they deserve.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization is one of the most common types of assisted reproductive technologies. After stimulating a woman’s ovaries with medications, her eggs are retrieved with a thin needle inserted into the ovary under ultrasound control. The eggs Finding out you're not pregnant can be devastating. We are here to help build families at CCRM fare then fertilized with her partner’s or donor’s sperm. The fertilized egg is cultured to the blastocyst stage (5-7 days) before being implanted in either her uterus or the uterus of a surrogate.

Colorado’s first successful IVF baby was born in 1983. Since then, significant advancements have been made in IVF and other reproductive technologies. Modern retrieval, storage, and transfer techniques have drastically improved success rates.

Embryo Banking

Embryo banking (also known as embryo freezing) is a safe and effective process that allows patients to build the family of their dreams. In embryo banking, the patient’s eggs are retrieved, fertilized, vitrified (flash frozen) and stored. Depending on how many mature eggs are retrieved, a woman may complete several cycles of ovarian stimulation with fertility drugs.

Egg banking is beneficial for women with a history of miscarriage and/or poor responders to ovarian stimulation drugs (typically those of advanced maternal age or with ovarian reserve issues. The technique is both cost and time efficient and delivers an increased chance of successful pregnancy. CCRM offers two embryo banking options at discounted prices to help patients build their families.

Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

Comprehensive chromosome screening, a technique pioneered by CCRM in 2007, is performed in conjunction with IVF to help select the healthiest embryos possible. Nearly 70 percent of early miscarriages are associated with chromosomal abnormalities, so it’s important to transfer embryos with a full set of chromosomes (euploidy) during the IVF process.

CCS testing is performed on blastocyst embryos to verify the number of chromosomes. Only embryos that have the correct number of chromosomes (23 pairs) are selected for transfer. CCS has transformed the IVF landscape by greatly reducing the chance of a miscarriage and increasing the chance of a successful pregnancy.

Leading IVF Innovation Nationwide

The Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine (CCRM) is one of the nation’s leading fertility clinics, providing a wide variety of fertility treatments ranging from basic infertility care to the most advanced IVF technology available today. Since our founding in 1987, we’ve expanded across the country, from Boston, to Northern Virginia, to the San Francisco Bay Area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at the location nearest you.

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