

2024-12-16T13:49:04-07:00November 22nd, 2024|Tags: , |

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, can help people overcome fertility issues and experience successful pregnancy.

At CCRM Fertility of Arizona, we offer affordable fertility treatments and can help patients explore their financing options. When considering IVF, it’s important to understand the costs associated with each step of the process.

Today, we’ll focus on how much do IVF shots cost. If you live in Scottsdale, AZGilbert, AZ, or surrounding areas, and would like more information about the costs of IVF or financing options, we welcome you to schedule a consultation.Mom and dad with their twins in the hospital

About IVF Shots

IVF begins with a series of shots used to stimulate the ovaries, encouraging them to produce multiple eggs at once for retrieval and fertilization.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) medications are injected for about eight to 14 days or longer for those with slower developing follicles.

Once the eggs are sufficiently matured, a shot of luteinizing hormone (LH), also called the “trigger shot,” is given to stimulate ovulation for egg retrieval.

IVF Shots Range in Price

The cost of IVF medications can vary. Generally speaking, the cost of IVF shots in Arizona range from about $2,000 to $7,000. The average cost falls somewhere in the middle of this range at roughly $3,000 to $4,000. Older patients or those with more serious fertility issues may be on the higher end of the cost range.

What Affects the Cost of IVF Shots?

Generally, the prices for the medications used in IVF shots are set by the pharmaceutical companies and health insurers. However, the cost of IVF shots can vary in price depending on the unique needs of each patient’s treatment. Some factors that affect the costs of IVF shots include:

  • Dosages and number of medications used: There are different medications that may be prescribed for IVF. Some treatments use a low dosage of medications while others may have a high dosage and several medications. As dosages increase and the number of medications needed increases, the costs of shots can be expected to increase as well.
  • Duration: The amount of time, eight to 14 days, that injections need to be given in order to sufficiently stimulate the ovaries affects the costs of IVF shots.
  • Brand of medication: Brand name medications often cost more than generic options. Using generic options when possible can help lower the cost of IVF shots.
  • Insurance coverage: Depending on individual insurance coverage, the personal costs of IVF shots can vary. Those who have medical insurance that covers IVF treatment may pay less for their injections.

Determining Your Costs

The cost of IVF shots depends on several factors that are unique to each patient. To get a better understanding of your costs for IVF shots, it’s important to speak with our fertility specialists. This way, your unique needs can be addressed.

In addition to determining your fertility shots costs, our team can work with you to find the right financing for your fertility treatment, help you determine what may be covered by your insurance, and find treatments to fit your budget.

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