
Spotlight on Employee Terry Schlenker

2021-10-30T17:05:16-06:00February 23rd, 2015|

Terry is one of CCRM’s most renowned embryologists and alongside Dr. William Schoolcraft, Terry helped to form CCRM. This April marks the thirtieth year since Terry began his career at Swedish and soon after, alongside Dr. Schoolcraft, created the miracle of life and thus categorically changing thousands upon thousands of people’s lives in their quest to build a family.

As Terry’s embryology expertise grew throughout the years, he has been sought out to train dozens of other embryologists from around the world. He is internationally known and has traveled the world to perfect techniques that have pioneered the art of reproductive technology.

In 2007, Terry traveled to Japan to study vitrification– the “quick freeze” application that allowed oocytes (unfertilized eggs) to freeze and thaw much more successfully than ever before. He studied at the Kato Ladies clinic under Dr. Kuwayama, a legend in the field of Cryobiology. Terry recalls ferociously taking notes while observing their procedures. Upon returning to Colorado, Terry began implementing what he’d learned and by 2009, Terry and the in vitro fertilization lab were able to freeze everything by vitrification.

Not only is Terry an accomplished embryologist, he is also a talented musician with many accomplishments in the realm of singing and composition. He has written two masses and has three different publishers. His works can be heard regularly on NPR. His music has been performed on five continents and has been performed at every major national chorale convention in the U.S. He sings in the St. Martin’s Chamber Choir (the only professional choir in Denver) as well as the Fire Sign Vocal Quartet. Terry is also a concert pianist too!

Terry was CCRM lab director from 1988 to 1999. He currently works three to four days per week – dedicating two to three days in the lab and one day doing research.  His contribution to the success of CCRM is unequivocal. He has published research and has a major hand in some of the amazing “firsts” in Colorado if not the entire country. Congrats to Terry whose career, dedication and talent is truly second to none.

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